Petition: Record child interviews made in court proceedings; allow child support person

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Petition: Record child interviews made in court proceedings; allow child support person (

Petition of Zayne Jouma: Record child interviews made in court proceedings; allow child support person

Petition request

That the House of Representatives pass a new law mandating that any interviews conducted between a child and their legal representative or the Judge during a legal proceeding must be audio-recorded and the parties given the right to access the audio recording; also, that the child be given the option to have a support person with them in court.

Petition reason

Currently, a child’s appointed legal representative or judge often conducts face-to-face interviews with the child and only provides the guardians with an oral or written interpreted report. This “child’s views” report is used in the proceedings. We advocate that any interviews between the child and her representatives must be audio-recorded and all parties involved should be afforded the opportunity to access the audio recording to ensure accuracy, transparency, and a fair legal process.



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